Test Data Builder Pattern in Go

The problem is that it’s easy to duplicate knowledge in the specifications, processes and programs that we develop, and when we do so, we invite a maintenance nightmare. - The Pragmatic Programmer

One of the quality attributes that has become more important in modern software development is maintainability. We developers want (and should) write software that can be read by other people and not just to be read by computers. That may be the main context in which maintainability manifests itself in software development. There are other contexts such as software design, in which it is also important.

A second practice in modern software development is writing automated tests: unit tests, functional tests, integration tests, and others. We developers don’t like to introduce bugs in our applications, we don’t want to regress our software, we want to document it and keep a simple design. Automated tests supports us in all those aspects.

Maintainability and automated tests. That is a very important combination that is generally neglected by software developers. Even that books like Clean Code dedicated an entire chapter about that subject, we still don’t hear that much about having a clean test suite, with test code as clean as production code, and with a long durability.

The goal of this post is to present a design pattern that can help us a lot in solving one of the most common problems when we’re writing automated tests: preparing mock data (or test data, as you will). Of course that it will be just one many practices and patterns that we can add to our toolbox, so that we can improve the maintainability of the automated tests that we write.

I believe Test Data Builder Pattern had its first appearance in Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided By Tests, written by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce. The idea is very simple: we use an old friend of Gang Of Four, the Builder Pattern, to create mock data for our automated tests. Still inspired by Gang of Four, let’s formalize the idea a bit more and illustrate it with an example.


Let’s write test cases for an “application” that recommends a food diet based on certain characterists such as age, weight, height, country and diseases of someone. (Yes, I know that a real recommendation app would have variables more relevant than those). We’re going to be writing our app using the Go programming language, our main function looks like this:

foods := RecommendDiet(person)

Of course we’re not going to be implementing that function since that’s not the purpose of this example (and since we’re not writing a real recommendation app :D). But you can imagine that the person parameter is of type Person, that has each of the properties mentioned above: age, height, diseases. To make the example more interesting, let’s come up with some business rules that tells us if a person can or cannot have fast food recommended on her diet:

  1. People aged between 10 and 40 can have fast food as a recommendation.
  2. People whose BMI falls within normal, aged between 40 and 60, can have fast food as a recommendation.
  3. People weighting more than 187 pounds cannot have fast food as a recommendation.
  4. People with heart diseases cannot have fast food as a recommendation.
  5. In addition to fast food, rice and beans should be recommended to brazillians.

In Golang, it’s very common to write tests using Table-Driven Tests, it is, we create a table (slice/array) containing the input for our test case and the expected output. Then we loop over each test case as shown in the example that follows:

var testCases = []struct {
	description string(b
	input Person
	expected []string
} {
		description: "should recommend fast food for people aged between 10 and 40",
		input: Person: {
			Age: 20
			Height: 0,
			Weight: 0,
			Country: "Brazil"
			Diseases: []string{}
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should not recommend fast food for people aged under 10",
		input: Person: {
			Age: 9
			Height: 0,
			Weight: 0,
			Country: "France"
			Diseases: []string{}
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should not recommend fast food for people aged over 40",
		input: Person: {
			Age: 41,
			Height: 0,
			Weight: 0,
			Country: "France"
			Diseases: []string{}
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should recommend rice, beans and fast food for brazillians",
		input: Person: {
			Age: 10,
			Height: 0,
			Weight: 0,
			Country: "Brazil"
			Diseases: []string{}
		expected: []string{"rice", "beans", "fast food"}
	// we keep creating data and test cases for each business rule
	// ...

func TestRecommendDiet(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testCase := range testCases {
		// ... 

Even that this example hides some code snippets, the problem to be solved by Test Data Builder Pattern can clearly be observed in the code above. Notice how we have to create a new Person object for each test case, and we generally do that just to change some specific property value, while the remaining properties are just repeated as they are irrelevant to the rule being tested.

Using the Test Data Builder Pattern we do the following:

  1. We create a Builder that initializes a Person object with default values (those can be values that always set the object to a valid state).
  2. For every property that is relevant to some test case, we add a With...() method to set the property value.
  3. Finally, we add a Build() method, as the original Builder Pattern requires, so that the Person object can be used by our test cases.


func NewPersonBuilder() *PersonBuilder {
	builder := &PersonBuilder{}
	builder.person = &Person{
		Age: 20,
		Height: 5.7,
		Weight: 108,
		Country: "France",
		Diseases: []string{}
	return builder

type PersonBuilder struct {
	person *Person

func (builder PersonBuilder) WithAge(age int) PersonBuilder {
	builder.Age = age
	return builder

func (builder PersonBuilder) WithCountry(country string) PersonBuilder {
	builder.Country = country
	return builder

Refactoring our test cases to use PersonBuilder, we have:

var testCases = []struct {
	description string
	input Person
	expected []string
} {
		description: "should recommend fast food for people aged between 10 and 40",
		input: NewPersonBuilder().WithAge(20).Build(),
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should not recommend fast food for people aged under 10",
		input: NewPersonBuilder().WithAge(9).Build(),
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should not recommend fast food for people aged over 40",
		input: NewPersonBuilder().WithAge(41).Build(),
		expected: []string{"fast food"}
		description: "should recommend rice, beans and fast food for brazillians",
		input: NewPersonBuilder().WithCountry("Brazil").Build(),
		expected: []string{"rice", "beans", "fast food"}
	// ...

func TestRecommendDiet(t *testing.T) {
	for _, testCase := range testCases {
		// ... 

Notice how the tests become much more expressive almost to the point of making description redundant in the test cases. More important than that: if we add, update or remove any property from Person, we don’t need to update every single test case (long live encapsulation <3).

It’s important to mention that we are using a small, limited example in which Person has some few properties. In a real production scenario, we could have objects with tens or even hundreds of properties (yes those objects are probably not well desinged, but unfortunately they do exist), we could also have many different business rules that touch different subsests of those properties. In those scenarios, Test Data Builder helps us avoid a real mocking hell.



  • Make mock data more maintainable.
  • Increase readability of test cases.
  • Add a certain level of encapsulation between test cases and production objects.


  • Data type: can be a struct, class or any production data representation.
  • Builder: builds data type by using default values and provides useful methods to change specific property values in test cases.
  • Test cases: use Builder to instantiate new data type objects.

Good Usage Scenarios

  • Tests with production objects that require some slight variation in its input values to satistfy the business rule being tested.